It seems to me that in today's society we rely to much on the media. We want all the new gadgets that we see on TV, we believe almost everything that we see and hear through the media, and basically we want to be like those people we see on TV and in movies. We have basically become robots no longer able to hold onto our individuality. We need to find a way out of this hole that we have dug for ourselves or else we will be lost in the confusion of the media.
A quote that i found very interesting in the reading was found on page 7, "Once you start asking questions like this, you are, of course, in real trouble. The moment you fail to understand why the natural world might have any relevance in the day-to-day lives of human beings, you become, to quote my old physics teacher, "a lost ball in the high weeds." Abandon nature and you abandon your sense of the divine. More than that, you lose track of who you are."
This quote fits perfectly with how our world seems to be today. We have become so lost in the idea of needing more and more that we have begun to lose or sense of self. We need to figure out how to get out of this mess we have put ourselves into before we totally lose ourselves. The question is how. How do we get out of this situation before we lose our own identity?
13 years ago