Thursday, April 22, 2010

Book Bannings

I have been looking at all the reasons for why books are banned and all I have to say is that people have issues with everything. It seems that no matter what someone has an issue with almost every book, and while yes I can agree with some books that are banned, I think that others are just rediculous. Books being banned because of use of "bad language", how many people don't go through a day without hearing someone use this "bad language" the author is just trying to make the characters in the book seem more realistic to the reader. I feel that no matter how some may feel about a book whether they like it or not, there is always going to be someone against them.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Fahrenheit 451 continued

As I continue to read this book I keep coming up with more and more questions that makes me want to continue reading to find the answers. I have finished the 2nd part of the book now and it's right at the point where the Firemen pull up infront of Montags house. As soon as I got to this part I was wondering who turned Montag in. We discussed this question in our group discussion and all of us pretty much believe that Mildred was the one who set the alarm. But what I also was wondering was did Beatty know all along that Montag had those books? I got the feeling that he did know because of the way he was asking questions to Montag that seemed to hint that he was on to Montag.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Fahrenheit 451

I find it rather interesting that Clarisse has been able to make Montag almost fully second guess what he is doing with his life. Clarisse is a girl who has done something that most people in the society have seem to have forgotten, she has taken time to notice the world around her. Clarisse and her family are very different than the other families in this society. Montag knows what happens if someone is found to have books, which are banned. His whole profession is to set fires, he's a fireman. The thought of a fireman being someone who set fires kinda caught me off guard because I'm so used to hearing that word and thinking of the heroes who put the fires out. Yet even though Montag knows that if he is caught with what he has hidden in the vent of his house he will be punished he still keeps them. One of the people in my group related the firemen to the KGB and now that I look more at it I can see it. The firemen burn down buildings in a form of book burnings and the KGB preformed book burnings.