Thursday, April 22, 2010

Book Bannings

I have been looking at all the reasons for why books are banned and all I have to say is that people have issues with everything. It seems that no matter what someone has an issue with almost every book, and while yes I can agree with some books that are banned, I think that others are just rediculous. Books being banned because of use of "bad language", how many people don't go through a day without hearing someone use this "bad language" the author is just trying to make the characters in the book seem more realistic to the reader. I feel that no matter how some may feel about a book whether they like it or not, there is always going to be someone against them.


  1. I have to agree with you. The idea of books being banned because of bad languages is just stupid. I bet the people that are so for banning these books use bad language everyday.

  2. I think its really funny that books are banned due to bad language. Seriously? Although i frown upon it i heard my 10 year old cousin drop a few "bad" words. Lets face it, they are going to talk about it, and they know the bad words already they just know or should know better not to say them. So what are we protecting them against stuff that they don't already know. Yes i wouldn't let them read it until a later age, but i mean were adults, if you get offended, spark not it, and get the gist of the book.

  3. I agree. 'Bad language' is everywhere. We know it exists. I've even had teachers in high school swearing in class. There are always going to be people who don't agree with it and have a problem but it's difficult to stop. You can't protect your kids from everything, you just have to teach them right from wrong.
